This ceremony was for the completion of Salem road construction and town square improvements, plus the launching of new Wi-Fi on Salem Public Square. Speaking about the WIFI, the group agreed, this is the outcome of the collaborative of an outstanding team. This included the Regional Opportunity Initiative (ROI), the Washington County Community Foundation, Jackson County REMC, and the Washington County Commissioners.
Standing on the south side of the court house steps were Mark McKinney, CEO of Jackson County REMC, Judy Johnson of Washington County Community Foundation, and Mayor Justin Green, who gave thanks to all those involved.
The mayor also mentioned the improvements in the north corridor of the town and improvements to come on the south corridor.
Green said “It’s a feather in our cap, thanks to Jackson Co. REMC.” He also said it dresses up the downtown corridor.
Judy Johnson was quoted as saying, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” She was describing the project and all those involved. It was mentioned that not only the square had WIFI, but Wi-Fi was also available at the walking trail and Pekin Park.
The project was designed and purchased by Jackson REMC, but installed by county workers, according to McKinney. He also said even though the utility does not service this area, they have concerns for the community.
The Wi-Fi system exceeded the range coverage and extents farther than expected. The system has four access points on the court house, one on each side. It will operate at 100 MB data transfer rate.
The Washington Chamber of Commerce, on their website states that, “The free WIFI on the square is more than just connectivity: It’s a catalyst for growth, convenience, and a more vibrant community spirit.” The CEO of the chamber is Eric Bush.

It’s May in Indiana, and the Greatest Spectacle in Racing happens just 100 miles north of Salem. It is the Indianapolis 500.
Started in 1911 on the outskirts of Indy, in the small town of Speedway, this annual event draws over 300,000 fans for the biggest show on the planet. Sunday, May 26, is the 108th running of this Memorial Day classic. General admission this year is $55.
Some past race day traditions have faded. An example of this is the release of thousands of multi-color balloons on race day. The release of balloons was stopped because of the concerns of environmental groups.
Traditions that live on are the race’s winner drinking a celebratory bottle of milk, kissing the bricks, carburetor day (carbs are long gone) and singing “Back Home Again in Indiana."
Qualification days have been changed from four days to two. Most of these traditions date back to the 40’s and 50’s, some even longer.
One thing that has not changed is the need for speed and thirty-three of the fastest cars to grace an oval track.
This year’s top qualification speed was 234.220 miles per hour by Scott McLaughlin in a Penske Chevrolet. In fact, the first eight spots are Chevrolets. The other dominant engine is the Honda.
Gone are the days of the Offenhauser, Novi, Turbine and Ford engines. Out goes the old, in comes the new.
This year there is only one female in the race and that is Kathrine Legge, British driver, who’s four-lap average qualification speed was 230.092 miles per hour. She drives a Honda and sits on the inside of row 11.
If you can’t drive to Indy to enjoy the race in person, it can be watched live on NBC at 11 a.m. or listen on the radio in Washington County. It can be heard on WSLM stations 1220 AM or 97.7 FM.

By: Abigail Shields, Website Editor
Salem, Eastern, and West Washington high schools have announced dates and times for each of their graduation ceremonies, respectively.
Salem’s is May 25 at 2 p.m. at Brooks Memorial Gymnasium. Salem will graduate 120 seniors in this year’s class. The class president is Brooklyn Davisson. Salem has been very fortunate with scholarships given to the graduating class through the Salem Education Foundation, the Washington County Community Foundation as well as scholarships given to the students through their respective colleges and institutions. Two students from Salem will be going into the military. They are Draven Miller and Corey Ziegler. The featured speakers for the ceremony will be Brooklyn Davisson and Carolyn Casey.
Eastern will hold their graduation ceremony on May 24 at 7 p.m. in the gymnasium. The senior class will have 83 graduating this year, which is a smaller class size than in years past. Kaden Temple is the senior class president. Anakin McCormick was awarded the Lily scholar and is also this year’s salutatorian. Eastern did not have anyone going into the military at this time. The featured speakers are Anakin McCormick and Glen Gosnell who is the valedictorian for the class.
West Washington’s graduation ceremony is May 24 at 7:30 p.m. at Kermit Tower Gymnasium, also known as the sunken gym. There are 59 members of the senior class who will be graduating this year. The class presidents are Titan Williams and Riley Hall. West Washington has several notable scholarships this year. Katlyn Wingler received $10,000 from JoJo’s Jumpstart Foundation, Eva O'Toole and Audra Loughmiller each received $5,000 from the Kayde Sue Foundation, Riley Hall received the Winchester Scholarship from Kentucky Wesleyan College which is $80,000, and Elliot Nance received the Adam W Herbert Presidential Scholarship from Indiana University Southeast which is $48,000. The speakers for the ceremony are Titan Williams, Riley Hall, Kenton Chase, Jaxson Cambron, Cash Long and Elliot Nance.

CAST (Creating Avenues for Student Transformation) is offering three sites for summer learning labs for June and July. The goal of CAST is to increase potential in youth through tutoring and mentoring.
Classes will be offered at East Washington Elementary June 3-July 3 (, Bradie Shrum Elementary June 3-July and Campbellsburg Community Building June 10-July 12. There will be no programming at any location on June 19.
The labs will run Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and are offered through the “Summer of Success in Washington County” program. Adults are asked to register children at a site where they are currently enrolled in school.
To participate in the learning labs, a student must:
Be entering 1st-5th grade
Be able to commit to all sessions
Provide own transportation
Be able to work in a small group
Want to learn, grow and have fun
Each day will include literacy, mathematics and additional Orton-Gillingham phonics lessons taught by reading specialists and certified teachers. Students are required to attend all 22 sessions of the Summer Learning Lab for best results. Excused absences in case of illness or injury are permitted.
The Southeast Summer Learning Labs are provided through the "Expanding What Works" grant from the Indiana Department of Education. The grant is an opportunity to increase access to high-quality academic and enrichment programming during Summer 2024 for Hoosier Students.
To register, please visit: https://www.castwashco.org/summerlearninglabs
CAST provides structured, multi-sensory, explicit tutoring based upon the science of reading. They have been able to provide this service free of charge for students for the last year due to a grant partnership. As that money goes away, CAST wants to make sure they are able to still serve the 140+ local students who need help. It costs CAST approximately $75 per hour for tutoring services.
The public may support the organization through donations. Monthly donations may be set up at Vemo@CASTWashCo>.
Cash or checks may be sent to:
1707 N. Shelby St., Suite 107
Salem, IN 47167

The Washington County Goat Association and Washington County Fair Board are hosting an Open Goat Show on Saturday, June 8, 2024 at the Washington County Fairgrounds Livestock Pavilion.
There will be classes for both dairy and meat breeds of goats including breeding does, market does, market wethers, and showmanship.
Goats may start arriving at 12 p.m. Weigh-in is from 12-2 p.m.
The show will start at 3 p.m. with dairy goat showmanship classes.
Anyone needing rules or more information about the show should contact the Angela Kelley with the Washington County Goat Association at 812-620-2401, the Purdue Extension - Washington County Office at 812-883-4601, or visit the website https://extension.purdue.edu/washington.
Concessions will be available.
The public is invited to come watch the show.

The Washington County Farmers’ Market will open with local goods raised and produced within Washington and adjacent counties on Saturday, May 11. The market will continue on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m – 12 p.m. at the Washington County Justice Center parking lot at 801 Jackson St. in Salem through October. When produce is more plentiful later in the growing season, the market will also open on Tuesday evenings 4-6 p.m.
The Washington County Farmers' Market provides growers and producers of Washington and surrounding counties an alternative market for their "locally grown" agricultural products for the benefit of the community.
Items offered at the market include fruits, vegetables, dried/fresh herbs, plants, cut flowers, honey, eggs, unpopped popcorn, meats, etc. Some minimally processed food items can also be sold and include: maple syrup, jellies/jams/preserves/butters, sorghum, frozen persimmon pulp, dried fruits/vegetables, cider, etc. Baked goods such as breads, cakes, and cookies as well as wood, natural and homemade crafts are also offered. All products must meet state and local regulations.
Vendors are required to sign a Washington County Farmers’ Market contract. The contract is available on the Purdue Extension – Washington County website at https://extension.purdue.edu/Washington or by contacting the Extension office at 812-883-4601.
2024 Washington County Farmers' Market Officers & Board of Directors
Julie Lawson - President & Market Master
Sid Baker - Vice President
Linda Baird - Secretary/Treasurer
Jon Lindburgh
Laura Purlee-Kiesler

By Becky Killian, Staff Writer
Washington County currently doesn’t have a permanent jail commander because the salary is too low for the level of responsibility the position carries. Sheriff Brent Miller explained the year-long challenge he’s faced filling a vacancy caused by a retirement during the Monday, May 6, meeting of the Washington County Council.
Council President Mark Abbott said he asked Miller to appear before the Council to explain the staffing problems.
“This is something we need to take a good, hard look at,” Abbott said, urging Council members to take quick action.
The jail commander is the third in command at the jail and oversees 17 correction officers as well as the inmates, who currently total more than 150. The jail commander is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the jail, including training new hires, making sure the correction officers meet continuing education requirements, scheduling, record keeping, coordinating inmate transports, and hearing inmate grievances.
Miller said the jail’s correction officers are “a very young, inexperienced staff” that requires supervision to ensure they follow important procedures.
The jail has several inmates who suffer from medical conditions, addiction, and mental health issues, which Miller said makes running the jail more difficult.
Miller said at the current salary of $38,787, the jail commander makes only about $1,400 more than the correction officers he supervises.
A jail commander salary study Miller provided to the Council showed Floyd County with the highest salary of $92,616. The lowest salary was $34,008 in Crawford County. The average salary among the nine counties included in the study was $58,406.
The jail commander’s salary in Washington County, which is included among the counties in the study, ranked second to last just above Crawford County.
While Floyd County has a jail capacity of 330, Crawford County’s capacity is 78. Washington County’s jail capacity is 254 inmates. Although the county could accept inmates from other jails – which would generate some income – Miller said his staffing isn’t adequate to handle more inmates.
Currently, some correction officers have been asked to work 16-hour shifts and to work on scheduled days off.
A road deputy has been temporarily named interim jail commander, but Miller said that won’t last long.
“The public expects me to get a third shift back on the road,” Miller said. “I’m just trying to stop the bleeding now.” Those third-shift patrols ended earlier this year when Miller said he didn’t have enough deputies to cover the shift. The Indiana State Police agreed to help with overnight patrols. Since then, the Council approved a pay increase for deputies.
Miller worries about the liability exposure the county has because of the vacancy in the jail commander’s post.

The Washington County Open Sheep Show will be Saturday, June 1, at the Washington County Fairgrounds. The event is sponsored by the Washington County Sheep Association and the Washington County Fair Board.
The Washington County Sheet Association will have food and drink concessions available.
Sheep related vendors are welcome to participate.
Check-in is 8-10 a.m. EDT; weigh-in 8:30-10 a.m.; Showmanship Starts 12:30 p.m. and Market Classes Start 30 minutes after the conclusion of Showmanship.
Showmanship will be based on grade as of 1/1/24. The Peewee Fun Class is for third grade and under. There is no entry fee and the winner receives a trophy.
There is a $5 entry fee for Juniors (grades 3-5), Intermediate (grades 6-8), Seniors (grades 9-12) and Adults. Winners receive $25.
Classes will include:
Market Lambs, Wethers and Ewes shown together by weight. Supreme Market Lamb receives $100 and banner. Reserve Market Lamb receives $50.
Washington County Only Market Lambs—first place received $25, second place receives $15.
Wool and Hair Breeding Ewes and Rams includes Junior Lambs (born March or later), Lambs, Yearlings and Ages shown by breed. Supreme Ewes receive $100 and banner. Reserve Ewes receive $50. Supreme Rams receive $50 and banner. Reserve Rams receive $25. Supreme Flock receives banner.
Premise ID required at entry.
Sheep (excluding wethers) must have a scrapie tag.
Entry fee is $12/head ($8 for Washington County Residents. No fee if in Washington County only market lamb class)
Sheep should not be unloaded until checked at the designated area on the west side of the Livestock Pavilion.
Wool market lambs must be slick shorn (no more that 1/2 inch of fleece at check-in).
Ewe lambs may not be shown in both market and breeding classes.
Breeding sheep must have registration papers to show in purebred classes. All other breeding sheep will show in Commercial Wool or Hair classes.
Farm Flocks include one ram (any age) and four ewes (Aged/Yearlings/Lambs in any combination.)
Exhibitors are responsible for bedding and clean-up.
Show committee makes final decisions and reserves the right to disqualify any exhibitor and/or their animal due to abusive, unethical, deceptive or fraudulent practices.
For more information contact Jason Webster (WCSA president) at 812-725-5700 or Purdue Extension/Washington County at
The sponsors will not be held responsible for accidents.

West Washington Schools will have a Spring Carnival on Saturday, May 11, from 12-3 p.m. The carnival will be at the school in the area between the softball and baseball fields. The school is located at 8026 West Batt Rd. Campbellsburg.
The girls school team will be at the softball field and the boy’s team will be at the baseball field. Both West Washington School teams will be playing Perry Central School. It will be the West Washington Senators vs. the Perry Central Commodores. Admission is free. This is the area across from Bowsman Athletic Complex.
Grilled food will be available.
Many typical carnival activities will be available, including face painting by the art group, and baskets will be brought by the Elementary PTO for sale.
Several school groups will have booths setup. The Nursing program (HOSA) will have a booth as well. Among other setups will be girls track, JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates) and Indiana Flames Travel Softball.
There also will be a community yard sale from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. and setups are free.
Inflatables will also be there, depending on weather.
Feel free to contact Bradley Mills at 812-755-4996 to reserve a space.

On Sunday, May 5, the Diesel Boys GAS Series will make their much anticipated 2024 season debut on the High Banks in the Derby Hangover Duel 75’s, presented by Schaeffer's Oil and Washington County Tourism.
That event will feature the Diesel Boys GAS Series in a 75 lap feature and the Mike's Muffler & Brakes Crown Vic Big Track Series also, in a 75 lap feature.
Also racing that day will be the Pro Crafters Salem Super Cars on the High Banks as well as the On-Site Plumbing Heating & Air Crown Vic Short Series and the Diesel Boys Race Parts Legends on the 1/4 mile.
Following is a schedule of events for the May 5 races:
8 a.m.--Pits Open
8:30 a.m.--Tech Opens
9:45 a.m.--Drivers meeting (big track finish line)
10 a.m.--Spectator gates open
10:30-10:45 a.m.--Great American Stock cars Series practice #1
10:45-11 a.m.--CrownVics on Big Track practice #1
11-11:15 a.m.--Salem Super Cars practice #1
11:15-11:30 a.m.--Legends practice #1
11:30-11:45 a.m.--Crown Vics on Small Track practice #1
11:50 a.m.-12:05 p.m.--GAS Series practice #2
12:05-12:20 p.m.--CVBT practice #2 & group qualifying
12:20 -12:35 p.m.--Salem Super Cars practice & group qualifying
12:40-1 p.m.--Legends practice #2 & group qualifying
1-1:15 p.m.--CVST practice #2 & group qualifying
1:30 p.m.--GAS Series qualifying
1:55 p.m.--Pre-Race
2 p.m.--Racing Begins
On-Site Plumbing Heating & Air CVST 25-Lap Feature
Diesel Boys Race Parts Legends 25-Lap Feature
Pro Crafters Salem Super Cars 25-Lap Feature
Mike's Muffler & Brakes CVBT 75-Lap Feature
Diesel Boys GAS Series 75-Lap Feature
(There will be optional load-in on Saturday, May 4, 2-4 p.m.)

CAST (Creating Avenues for Student Transformation) is offering three sites for summer learning labs for June and July. The goal of CAST is to increase potential in youth through tutoring and mentoring.
The labs will run Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and are offered through the “Summer of Success in Washington County” program. Adults are asked to register children at a site where they are currently enrolled in school.
To participate in the learning labs, a student must:
Be entering 1st-5th grade
Be able to commit to all sessions
Provide own transportation
Be able to work in a small group
want to learn, grow and have fun
Each day will include literacy, mathematics and additional Orton-Gillingham phonics lessons taught by reading specialists and certified teachers. Students are required to attend all days of the Summer Learning Lab for best results. Excused absences in case of illness or injury are permitted.
To register, please visit: https://www.castwashco.org/summerlearninglabs
CAST provides structured, multi-sensory, explicit tutoring based upon the science of reading. They have been able to provide this service free of charge for students for the last year due to a grant partnership. As that money goes away, CAST wants to make sure they are able to still serve the 140+ local students who need help. It costs CAST approximately $75 per hour for tutoring services.
The public may support the organization through donations. Monthly donations may be set up at Vemo@CASTWashCo.
Cash or checks may be sent to:
1707 N. Shelby St., Suite 107
Salem, IN 47167

The public is invited to join the Pekin Community Betterment Organization and the IU Center for Rural Engagement to learn about Rural Placemaking Studio Projects happening in Pekin this summer. The meeting is Thursday, May 2, 10-11:30 a.m., 325 Karen’s Court, Pekin Shelter Housein Pekin Park.
The project focuses on a mural for the community shelter house with a creative design from the IU Center for Rural Engagement team. Participants will discuss the project, its outcomes, and do some short, fun, activities together that explore the community’s assets and strengths.
Collaborative efforts between Pekin and IU will include the design process, fundraising, grant writing, arts engagement, maintenance plans and more.
Finalized renderings will be presented in August with a community celebration.
More Information about the IU projects:
IU to partner with rural Indiana organizations on public art and placemaking projects
This summer 13 rural Indiana organizations will work with Indiana University to create new placemaking and public art elements in their communities through the Rural Placemaking Studio initiative.
A partnership between the IU ServeDesign Center at the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture and Design and the Center for Rural Engagement, the Rural Placemaking Studio connects IU faculty and students with rural residents who seek to enhance their communities through art and design.
The Rural Placemaking Studio collaborates with communities to foster thedevelopment of vibrant, accessible public places that can be maintained and sustained forfuture generations. This can include the physical environment, like the design and aesthetics of
buildings and public spaces, as well as the availability of amenities, cultural activities, recreational opportunities and a sense of community.
“Creative placemaking in a rural community is more than a painting a mural,” said Jon Racek, program director of comprehensive design and director of the ServeDesign Center at the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture and Design. “Placemaking can make a physical marker to asense of shared memories, and deep connection to a place. It is through placemaking that rural communities can cultivate their unique identity and turn their downtowns into vibrant hubs of cultural heritage and local pride.”
Selected community-identified projects include murals, wayfinding signage, architectural and park design and downtown revitalization efforts. The Rural Placemaking Studio will support community feedback sessions, develop a scope of work and create designs the community will implement on a timeline that fits the project. Students studying comprehensive design, creative placemaking and community arts engagement will work with communities through the summer months alongside Racek and the Center for Rural Engagement team.
The state of Indiana has identified quality of place as a key area of focus for state and federal support through programs like the Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI). Counties in the Indiana Uplands region, where IU Bloomington is located, have each completed a quality of place and workforce attraction plan in collaboration with Regional Opportunity Initiatives. Creative placemaking promotes inclusive public spaces, cultivates a sense of belonging, preserves and enhances natural and cultural resources and supports
economic development.
“A strong quality of place is critical to the vitality of our rural communities and our entire state,” said Denny Spinner, interim executive director at the Center for Rural Engagement. “Through the Rural Placemaking Studio, communities can leverage the creative strengths of IU students and faculty to revitalize their unique local assets that increase hometown pride and attract new visitors and residents.”

On the hunt for Easter fun?
Hop on over for an egg-citing Easter egg hunt party at Canton United Methodist Church! Bring your Easter basket and your sweet tooth to the church on Saturday, March 30. Festivities begin at 2 p.m., snow, rain or shine.
Candy-filled egg hunts will be held for children of all ages.
And if candy isn’t enough sugar, cookies and drinks will be provided, as well.
There will be crafts and a prize for everyone.
The church is located at 1412 N. Canton Rd. Everyone is welcome.

In Leader Publishing Company's Readers' Choice Awards, the best of the best are celebrated!
Long-established greats are joined by businesses that are new to the area, but have quickly earned a place of honor. Join us as we celebrate both.
You voted for your favorite places to shop, to eat, to get things done, and more. The winners all have one thing in common...they are the people and places in Washington County that offer top-quality products and customer service, the stuff that keeps us coming back for more.
Readers have spoken and the winners have been named!
Presenting the 2023 Readers' Choice winners by category:
Best People in Washington County
- Accountant: Lisa Aly (360 Accounting & Tax Service)
- Agriculture Seed Salesperson: Michael Trueblood (Stewart Seed)
- Attorney: Tom Scifres
- Auto Salesperson: Gary Myszak (Eddie Gilstrap Motors)
- Bank Teller: Kyla Nicholson (Centra Credit Union)
- Doctor: Dr. Kalen Carty (Ascension Medical Group St. Vincent)
- Electrician: Chris Quinlin (Future Electric LLC)
- Financial Advisor: Lana Sullivan (Edward Jones & Co.)
- Funeral Home Director: Rondale Brishaber (Hughes Taylor)
- Hair Stylist: Brooklyn Bush (Designer Cutz)
- Heating & Air Service Tech: Seth Marshall (Marshall Sales)
- Insurance Agent: Jason Pepmeier (Farm Bureau Ins.)
- Optometrist: Dr. Hickey (VisionFirst)
- Pharmacist: Steve Day
- Police Officer: Eric Mills (Salem Police Dept.)
- Real Estate Agent: Sherri Purkhiser (Day Company)
- Restaurant Server: Waylon Bramer
- Cashier: Tanya Cravens (Dollar Tree)
- Roofing Contractor: Caleb Burkholder (Superior Roofing Systems)
- Veterinarian: Dr. Benny Moore (Moore’s Animal Care Clinic)
- School Bus Driver: Keith Nicholson (Salem Community Schools)
- School Staff Member: Judy Hoke
- School Principal: Tony Albert (Salem High School)
- School Teacher: Gwen Dowling (Salem Middle School)
- School Teacher’s Assistant: Tammy Jones (West Washington)
Best Businesses in Washington County
- Tax Services: 360 Accounting & Tax Services
- Asphalt Sealcoating: Nelson Asphalt Sealcoating
- Auction Service: Day Company Realtors & Auctioneers
- Auto Collision Repair: Eddie Gilstrap Motors Collision Center
- Auto Sales (New): Eddie Gilstrap Motors, Inc.
- Auto Sales (Pre-owned): Green’s Auto Sales, LLC
- Automotive Service: Rex Jackson’s Auto, Inc.
- Automotive Tires: Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center
- Bank: First Harrison Bank
- Flooring: Potter’s Carpets
- Concrete: Sullivan’s Concrete Coating
- Consignment Discount Shop: Huckster’s Hall Flea Market
- Construction: Reel Construction & Masonry
- Excavation: Edwards Plumbing & Excavation LLC
- Farm Equipment Sales: Schafstall Inc.
- Floral Shop: Florence’s Flowers & Gifts, LLC
- Funeral Home: Hughes Taylor Funeral Home
- Hair Salon: Adrienne Brook Salon & Spa
- Hardware Store: Ace Hardware of Salem
- Health Care Facility: Mission In-Home Health Care
- Home Equity Loans: First Savings Bank
- Insurance Agency: Loy & Fordyce
- Law Office: Scifres Law Office
- Lawn Care Service: Walls Lawncare
- Lawn Equipment Sales: Walls Lawncare
- Masonry: Reel Construction & Masonry
- Monument Company: Marshall Monuments
- Mortgage Loans: First Savings Bank
- Oil Change: Quick Lane
- Pharmacy: Good Living Pharmacy
- Preschool: Wash. Co. Family YMCA
- Real Estate: Day Company Realtors & Auctioneers
- Roofing: Superior Roofing Systems
- Signs/Graphics/Custom T-Shirts: Lincks Clothing & Shoes
- Wedding/Event Facility: Cornerstone Hall
- Daycare: Lil Darlin’s Daycare
Best Food
- Biscuits & Gravy: Country Cookin’
- Hand Dipped Ice Cream: Six Scoops Ice Cream Shop
- Home Cooking: Country Cookin’
- Margarita: El Camino’s
- Pizza: Mamma Rosa’s
- Queso: El Maguey Mexican Restaurant
- Steak: Tumbleweed
- Tacos: El Maguey Mexican Restaurant
- Burger: Dinner Bell
- Fried Chicken: KFC
- Donuts: H&R Bakery
- Baked Goods: H&R Bakery
Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone who voted. Winners who could not be reached may call the Salem Leader Office at 812-882-3281 and make arrangements to receive their Readers' Choice certificate.
Leader Publishing Company of Salem, Inc.
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Salem, Indiana. 47167
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