Indiana State Comptroller Elise Nieshalla released her first State of Indiana’s Financial Report today to highlight the solid fiscal standing of the state as published in the 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), the official, audited record of state finances.
“Indiana’s ACFR provides tangible evidence of our state’s strong financial position,” said Comptroller Nieshalla. “In sharing Indiana’s low debt, low pension fund liability, healthy cash reserves, balanced budget and AAA credit rating, we are reminded how good it is to be a Hoosier.”
The Comptroller’s Office annually produces the ACFR, which is audited by the Indiana State Board of Accounts. The ACFR provides an in-depth analysis of all state expenditures, cash flow, debt administration and other financial information.
“The State of Indiana’s Financial Report offers Hoosiers a quick tool to better understand our state’s economic well-being and how Indiana manages taxpayers’ dollars, based on the 300 pages of reporting in the ACFR.”
Highlights from the report include:
• General Fund revenue of $21.9 billion compared to $20.9 billion in fiscal year 2022.
• Assets (cash, investments, capital assets, etc.) exceeded our liabilities (payables, pension liabilities, etc.) by $25.6 billion.
• Total reserves are $2.9 billion, which is 13% of the current budget.
• Indiana ranks seventh lowest in debt among states in the U.S. at $366 per capita.
The State of Indiana’s Financial Report is a summary of the 2023 ACFR – the current ACFR and previous years are all available electronically on the Comptroller’s website. Indiana’s ACFR has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for the last 30 consecutive years.
Senators and Aging Committee members Mike Braun (D-AZ) and Mark Kelly introduced the Delivering for Rural Seniors Act, a bipartisan bill to support the delivery of the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), commonly known as the "senior food box.”
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is a federal food assistance program that provides monthly food boxes to low-income seniors. However, seniors living in rural areas, seniors with disabilities, and those without reliable transportation often do not receive home delivery services from food banks participating in CSFP. The Delivering for Rural Seniors Act would address this gap by creating a pilot program to fund grants specifically for the delivery of CSFP to these underserved populations.
The bill marks a significant step toward addressing food insecurity among seniors and improving the effectiveness of the CSFP through innovative delivery methods.
“No senior in America should go hungry. This bill will help rural seniors and those with disabilities get access to food bank services to help cut down on the issue of food insecurity among older Americans,” said Braun, who serves as ranking member of the Subcommittee on Food and Nutrition, Specialty Crops, Organics, and Research.
“Our seniors have worked hard their entire lives and deserve to have access to nutritious food without facing barriers due to mobility or transportation,” said Kelly. “This bipartisan bill will help ensure that low-income seniors in Arizona receive the essential food they need directly to their homes, improving their health and quality of life."
St. Mary’s Food Bank has provided home delivery for seniors, including those not enrolled in CSFP, since fall 2020. During that time, they have made more than 6,000 deliveries per month. From July to September 2023, St. Mary’s completed nearly 18,000 deliveries, with CSFP deliveries representing approximately 44 percent.
In addition to Kelly and Braun, this bill has broad bipartisan support in the Senate. The House version was introduced by Rep. Marc Molinaro (R-NY-19) and is co-sponsored by 16 Democrats and 13 Republicans.
See what advocates are saying about the Delivering for Rural Seniors Act:
“As the oldest food bank in the nation, we have an unwavering commitment to serve communities in need. Recent COVID restrictions and safety protocols highlighted the need for home delivery services to reach our most vulnerable, homebound neighbors. During the pandemic, no contact home delivery models laid the groundwork for our continued work in this space. As economic pressures build, our neighbors with fixed incomes, high-risk health conditions, and limited access to reliable transportation are disproportionately impacted. Home delivery has given us an avenue by which we can serve hard to reach communities. We believe that the Delivering for Rural Seniors Act will help expand our work in delivering CSFP boxes and, in turn, reach more seniors with vital food supplies,” said Marcos Gaucin, Chief Programs Officer, St. Mary's Food Bank.
“The Delivering for Rural Seniors Act is a common sense answer to a distinct question: ‘How can food banks and state agencies ensure that a senior who is homebound or otherwise lacks transportation and support get access to a CSFP food box, especially when they live in one of Arizona’s many rural communities?’ AzFBN partners with food banks across the state, and hears the same message repeated from both food banks and the clients they serve—if a food box can’t be delivered to a vulnerable older Arizonan, that person won’t receive support. This Act will help food banks help more seniors. If passed, the impact will be dramatic and immediate,” said April Bradham, President and CEO, Arizona Food Bank Network (AzFBN).
“No one should face hunger in their golden years. Yet, every state is home to seniors who experience food insecurity. The Commodity Supplemental Food Program is critical to helping seniors with low incomes access the food they need to maintain good health. But the program doesn’t reach all eligible individuals, due to insufficient funding and a shortage of delivery options. The bipartisan Delivering for Rural Seniors Act introduced by Senators Kelly and Braun would help more seniors keep food on the table, especially in rural areas, by expanding access to delivery services. We urge Congress to help seniors facing hunger by including this important legislation in the final 2024 Farm Bill,” said Vince Hall, Chief Government Relations Officer at Feeding America.
“Senior citizens are particularly vulnerable to food insecurity with one-third reporting cutting back on meals, buying cheaper and less nutritious foods, or skipping meals altogether. Transportation is an even greater impediment in rural communities that typically have no public transportation options at all. Addressing senior hunger in rural communities is complex, and we support efforts to promote food security and the health and well-being of seniors,” said Fred Glass, President, and CEO of Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana.
“NCSFPA supports efforts to improve the ability to provide food packages to eligible individuals, including those proposed in the Delivering for Rural Seniors Act. Some seniors who cannot get to food distribution sites depend upon the delivery of food packages to them and are in need of this assistance,” said the National Commodity Supplemental Food Program Association.

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) will host public information meetings to provide updates and gather feedback regarding Charging the Crossroads, INDOT’s plan to expand Indiana’s statewide electric vehicle charging network. Charging the Crossroads is federally funded by the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program, created by the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law with the goal of deploying a national network of at least 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations by 2030. Watch a brief video overview of the Charging the Crossroads program here. Attendees will hear updates on program implementation and provide feedback on potential charging station locations as well as recommended equity and inclusion metrics. |
INDOT’s updated draft plan will be posted online for review by June 18, 2024. A virtual public meeting will be made available at ChargingtheCrossroads.com in the coming weeks.
Public information meetings will be held around the state in June and July as part of INDOT’s ongoing efforts to engage stakeholders with the Charging the Crossroads program. A presentation will begin 30 minutes after doors open.
Tuesday, June 25, from 5 to 7 p.m.
Ivy Tech Community College Warsaw Student Lounge
2545 Silveus Crossing
Warsaw, IN 46582
Tuesday, July 9, from 5 to 7 p.m.
Global Village Welcome Center Event Hall
4233 Lafayette Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46254
Thursday, July 11, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Ivy Tech Community College Kokomo Hingst Hall
1815 E Morgan St.
Kokomo, IN 46901
Tuesday, July 16, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Vincennes University Green Activities Center
120 W. Harrison St.
Vincennes, IN 47591
In March, INDOT announced the first round of 39 awards through Charging the Crossroads after receiving more than 100 applications in response to last year’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). INDOT anticipates a second NOFO to be released later this year focused on addressing remaining gaps in the state’s EV charging network.
More information about the program is available at ChargingtheCrossroads.com.
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About the Indiana Department of Transportation
INDOT continues to solidify the Hoosier State as the Crossroads of America through delivery of Gov. Eric J. Holcomb’s $60 billion Next Level Roads plan. With six district offices and 3,500 employees, the agency is charged with constructing and maintaining more than 29,000 lane miles of highways, more than 5,700 bridges, and supporting 4,500 rail miles and 127 aviation facilities across the state. For the seventh consecutive year, Indiana has placed within the top five in the nation for infrastructure in CNBC’s “America’s Top States for Business” rankings. Learn more about INDOT at in.gov/indot.
By Becky Killian, Staff Writer
Salem officials are still considering a water rate increase but have delayed any decisions until a report is heard from the task force that is currently examining the utility. The matter was discussed during the Monday, June 10, meeting of the Salem Common Council.
The Council reviewed a rate study from Baker Tilly, the city’s consulting firm. It indicated the city is not in compliance with federal standards for a required cash reserve for the utility. The rate increases were presented in two options: the first was split into two phases, the second is a one-time rate increase.
The rates were calculated based on three years’ data with the aim to maintain the utility’s future cash reserve, fund the utility’s maintenance, and to pay salaries.
It was noted that inflation has increased the operating costs for utilities. Also, the city doesn’t qualify for grants or bonds because the ratepayers aren’t paying enough to maintain the utility.
Councilman Steve Crane asked if the decision should be made after the task force submits its report to city officials. His concern was echoed by Councilman Roger Pennington, who proposed the formation of the task force earlier this year.
Pennington said the task force meets weekly and is expected to return with recommendations to improve the water utility in about two months. Any decisions made about water rates taken before then would be “premature,” he said.
“I think it would be responsible to hold off,” Pennington said. He made a motion to table the discussion, followed by a unanimous vote that upheld the motion.
Councilman Dan Libka was absent from the meeting.
The city currently carries a $4 million debt for its sewer utility and $14 million for its water utility.
There does seem to be a consensus among the Council’s members that water rate increases are needed and inevitable.
In other business:
*The Council approved the survey of a section of Crown Hill Cemetery for use for green burials. Such burials forgo the use of traditional embalming chemicals and the use of any burial vessels that aren’t compostable.
*Two bids were opened for a city-owned parcel at 203 S. Mill St. It was noted that the property needs to be cleared of debris and the house needs repair to make it habitable. The bids were for $5,000 and $12,501. The bids were accepted for review.
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