The Washington County economic picture brightened this week with the announcement by Smith Cabinet Manufacturing Company that it will recall about 150 employees back to work.
Five new county officeholders take office. They are:
Jay Allen, Prosecuting Attorney
Everett Gilstrap, County Recorder
Herman Chastain, County Assessor
Donald Ribelin, Commissioner
Bruce M. Gray, Sheriff
Jay C Sales Ad:
Eckrich sliced bologna 1lb. $1.09
Bounty towels 2 rolls $1.00
Blue Bonnet margarine 1lb. ctn. $0.69
Sunsweet prune juice 40 oz. btl. $0.75
Michael S. Cardwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlie Cardwell, Rt.1 Milltown, has been accepted into the IU School of Medicine
The Washington County Fair Board announces that they have a Fairground Security Officer and Caretaker, Mr. Merle Eickelberger along with his wife and child living in their mobile home on the fairground premises.
The Campbellsburg Homemakers Club will sponsor the 15th annual March of Dimes dinner at the Campbellsburg Odd Fellows Hall.